Document Summary:
Due to a significant decrease in the provisions available to the army, a reply telegram was sent from the Ministry of War's Department of General Supplies to the Trabzon Province. The telegram instructs that provisions and supplies stored in the provincial and district warehouses, as well as wheat processed into flour and hardtack, should be sent rapidly to Erzurum, preferably including barley as well.
Location Information: 49 - 119
Attachment: None
Document Date: H-08-03-1333 (Islamic calendar) - January 24, 1915
Document Summary:
Due to an urgent need for provisions, a telegram was sent by the Directorate of General Communications to the provinces of Ankara, Konya, and Hüdavendigar, as well as to the districts of Karesi and Karihisar-ı Sahib. The telegram instructs that the dispatch of wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats, bulgur, rice, and clarified butter should begin from the stations as soon as possible, and that the Ministry should be informed of this matter.
Location Information: 50 - 136
Attachment: None
Document Date: H-14-04-1333 – March 1, 1915