Course management

Copy selected contents between courses - Sharing cart and Mass actions block

If you need to copy selected contents into a course, which is not empty, you can do this multiple ways.

Sharing cart

Note: if you would like to copy into an empty course, and/or you need to copy the section summaries as well, use the simpler core function, import.

1. You can use "sharing cart" to save contents from a course which you can add to (multiple) different courses.

a) Open the course where the contents are located. 
b) Turn on. 
c) If not done already, add the "sharing cart" block to the course.
Open the block drawer (if necessary)   at the top right, if it is closed

Click on
Select sharing cart from the popup. The block will be created at the bottom of the block list, so you may need to scroll down it to find it.)

d) You will find a little cart icon next to contents in the course. If you click on it, the content will be copied into the cart. 
If you would like to copy whole topics, select it from the block.
Open the dropdown menu, select the title of the section and click "copy section".

e) Now you have the necessary contents saved, you can go to the "target" course, where you would like to copy.
You need the add the block there as well.
Click on the "copy to course" icon next to the item you would like to copy.

Select the place where you would like to copy -and you are done.

Short step by step video:

Mass actions

1. Alternatively you can copy contents from a course into an other course with the "Mass actions" block.
Note: you need to have direct access (assigned) to the target course - so coordinators cannot find a course where they are not directly assigned.

a) Open the course where the contents are located. 
b) Turn on. 
c) If not done already, add the "mass actions" block to the course.
Open the  at the top right, if it is closed

Click on
Select mass actions from the popup. The block will be created at the bottom of the block list, so you may need to scroll down it to find it.)

d) Select the contents you would like to copy. Either with the little boxes inside the main section of the course

or if you would like to copy a whole topic - choose it from the dropdown menu - select all in section.
Important: the summary text is not copied - you can copy/paste it manually or use import.

e) After this, click on Duplicate to another course.
Search for the course title. Start typing until you find it, and click on the correct one (make sure that you select the correct year / term), then click "choose course".

Important note: you need to have direct access to the course - so coordinators cannot find a course where they are not directly assigned.
Select the section in the target course where you would like to copy, and you are done.