Course management

External accounts - for users who will not get a CEU account

Create external users in Moodle

I. If you never have done this, you need to ask for user creation rights. 

Please note, that the Compliance with data protection rules (including the applicable laws) is the responsibility of all Members of CEU Community who process personal data (who initiated the creation of external accounts in Moodle). Make sure, that the users gave consent to the storage, management, and processing of their personal data. Make sure that personal data is kept only for the period that is required to fulfill the purposes it has been collected for. You need to ask for the deletion of the accounts if these are no longer needed.

The full Data Protection Policy of CEU is available here:

II. Fill out this sample CSV file: sample_user_creation.csv

Each new user needs to be in a new line in the csv.
No fields may contain special accented characters like á, í, ú - you need to trim these for account creation.

username: The user will use this username to log in to the Moodle instance. It needs to be unique. A user's name can only contain alphabetical letters in lowercase, numbers, hyphen 
course1: Copy/paste the "short name" of your course into this cell to add the user to the course when created. Make sure that there are no space characters before or after the name. If this is not necessary, you can delete this column. If the user is created, you can assign it to your course manually as well. 
role1: student or teacher

Passwords will be created automatically upon creation and sent as an automatic email to the new user (along with the username and site URL). Note: some email providers (hotmail for example) may block or put this email into their spam folders rarely. 

III. Upload the CSV file here (administration > users > accounts > upload users.
Direct link:

You just need to drag and drop the csv into the field and click on the "upload users" button. You will see a preview that will indicate if there are any problems with the csv file you need to correct first.
Do not change any of the default settings just click on "upload users".

Detailed help

IV. The users are ready, check if they are listed on the participants' page of your course. Contact me if you have any problems.