Enrollment options

Elective Course, Development Specialization/Concentration, Gateway course for MPA students 

This class introduces students to a series of fundamental questions surrounding economic development. What does it mean? Why is there such a wide cross-national and cross-regional disparity in terms of access to basic goods and services for ordinary citizens? Are there different tools for helping us understand these gaps? What are the current debates regarding policy solutions? The course will cross disciplinary bridges in order to give students exposure to conversations taking place in various fields: development economics, political economy, sociology, and anthropology. Analytically, we will be guided by two concepts that are central to political economy - market failure and collective action. Thematically, the class will follow three major axes: 1) economic growth; 2) poverty and inequalities; 3) actors and processes in international development. Pedagogically, in addition to discussions generated by readings, course participants will work in teams on specific projects entailing data collection and analysis. Some sessions will also feature interactive case studies and new media.

Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)