Debate teams - please read this message

Debate teams - please read this message

Katarina Kovacevic -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

Since our debate session is taking place very soon, I randomly assigned you to the teams of 3 and 4. Also, I randomly assigned the role every team will have in the upcoming debate.

On Friday I will introduce you to the debate rules, don't worry about that. There will be, as you can see, 4 teams, but only 2 people per team will speak. The other(s) are also supposed to participate, by helping in argument preparation, so this needs to be a teamwork. You will see that we have two governments and two oppositions, and who in the team will talk first out of 2 people will remain your choice. It will all be clearer on Friday, when I explain the rules. If you want to learn more before, google British parliamentary debate format.

Since we are not completely sure how many people are still taking the course, it is very important to tell me if you don't want to join the debate, or you are not taking the course any more, or you are not going to be present in person - so that I can review the teams so that every team has enough members. If I accidentally forgot to include someone, please tell me that too. Moreover, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any concerns about this task, teams, rules, etc.

Government means you are for nudging, opposition means against nudging. The exact topic name will be announced on Friday, but you can already expect what it will be about.

The current random distribution of teams is:

Government 1: Anna Kiszely, Bence Gero, Spencer Elder Herb

Opposition 1: David Joseph, Mujtapa Wali, Varvara Gosteeva

Government 2: Thint Myat, Anton Miguel De Vera, Ojaswit Luthra

Opposition 2: David Parsonage, Lauritz Autischer, Ranu Sjahrazad, Patrik Nadrai