next week homework

next week homework

Claudio Sopranzetti -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

Thank you very much for today's class and presentations. A few things for next week.

First, we will have to move class to Wednesday May 3 rd, again 10.50 to 3.10 (I promised this time we won t go long)

As for homeworks, we think you should:

1) Readjust the pitch based on feedback and put it in writing. Send us by next Tuesday a page of the subject with some specific as of what the story is, who the characters are and how you are thinking to represent it.

2) Do drawing exercises from Linda Barry's book Making Comics pages 44-59 (they are 3 quick exercises and I will send the pdf later today) 

3) Read Making comics by McCloud chapter 2 (it is among the reading on moodle)

As a reminder we will meet on Tuesday for the non mandatory lab 15.30 - 17.20 in room A420 

See you next week