first week of class - April 27

first week of class - April 27

Claudio Sopranzetti -
Number of replies: 0
Dear all,

 we hope this mail finds you well.  As you know our first meeting is coming up on April 27th.

As we mentioned before, the moodle is now set up and you can find info on the class there. For the first week, you should come to class already with the idea in mind of what you want to work on during the term and transform into the storyboard for a short comic (between 6 and 10 pages). This could be an ethnographic vignette from your fieldwork, a theoretical idea or conversation you want to render through comics, a historical event you want to represent, a piece of archival research that you are working on, or whatever else you have been thinking about. During the first class, you will be asked to present this idea and give others a sense of how you may want to develop it during the term. 

Also, we suggest you start taking a look at the book "making comics" that you will find in pdf on moddle. We will cover this in class but it would help you in developing your work if you start going through it now (it is an comic form so it is a nice read).

We hope you are also looking forward to this and looking forward to meeting you soon. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions