Setting up of the moodle - familiarize yourself with the requirements

Setting up of the moodle - familiarize yourself with the requirements

Claudio Sopranzetti -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all, 

we are Sara and Claudio, the instructors for the "Transforming Research into Graphic Form Class." We are really excited to teach this class in the spring and look forward to work with you on this hands-on class.

 We recently set up this moodle page and we will continue to post material over the next weeks but we wanted to send out a message so you can get a better sense of what the requirements and pre-requisites are and start thinking about what interview, ethnographic vignette, theoretical concept, or archival piece of research you want to transform into a comics storyboard over the course of this class.

This will be the main objective of the course but in order to do that we need you to come in week 1 already with the idea in mind to pitch so we can then provide some theory of comics, epistemological discussions, and practical workshops to get you to that final project over the course of 6 weeks.

We hope you are also looking forward to this and looking forward to meeting you soon.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions