Tomorrow's course is on zoom!

Tomorrow's course is on zoom!

Christophe Heintz -
Number of replies: 1

Dear all,

I am confirming that our next course will be on Zoom. The reason is that I have to be in Budapest on Friday, because I am chairing a PhD defence there.

The zoom is, as it will always be for this course:

Meeting ID: 930 2405 2014

Passcode: 623798

Note that some students plan to go to room C503 to attend the course. So that is also a possibility.

In the session, I will do some old fashioned lecturing. I have two goals:

1. Making sure that everybody understand the basic principles of decision theory

2. Reflecting on what these tools (concepts and models) bring to cognitive psychology

Although I will mainly do a micro-economics 101 crash course, I have realised in previous years that economics students have not always reflected on the fundamental notions reviewed. So I hope it will not be too boring to students coming from economics.

Administrative issue: I mentioned that each of you should present a paper. I have created a google spreadsheet with the dates and reading. This is a preliminary draft as we might decide, together, to select different papers. However, here is the link. If you are very tight to a date and do not care too much about the paper, you can already put your name. Putting your name is expressing a wish to present the given paper for the given week. It does not mean booking the slot. Several names can be put for the same paper. We will then, later, try to agree about who does what.

See you tomorrow!


In reply to Christophe Heintz

Re: Tomorrow's course is on zoom!

Mehmet Ataberk Atan -
Dear Professor,

Apparently the classroom C503 is not accessible to students outside the Cognitive Science Department. Wanted to let you know in case it will be the regular classroom for the course.

Best regards,