Enrollment options

The course focuses on the forms of production of artistic knowledge and its potential for humanities and social sciences. It aims to foster students’ ability to create, handle, and reflect images as a communicative instrument and methodological tool of transdisciplinary research. Particular attention will be paid to observation as a special skill that can be trained and stimulated.  The engagement with the theories of mediality, visuality and gaze regimes will go thereby along with intuitive or poetic approaches.

We will start by presenting our previous projects to share our expertise and interests. The consequent teaching process relies mainly on implementing hands-on exercises in groups and individually. Another important component of the course is joint watching of inspiring examples from the field of fine arts and documentary cinema. In addition, critical group discussions are essential, but also individual talks could be arranged. Applied media are video, photography, and drawing, but no special skills are required.
Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)