Enrollment options

The objective of this course is to provide foundation knowledge on financial technology applications and the relevant key infrastructure providers. The course has two key components. The first component covers trading systems and trading technologies with insights about the functioning of organized exchange with central clearing parties (CCPs) versus decentralized OTC (or dark pool) trading platforms and blockchain supported transactions. The second component focuses on the Real time gross settlement systems (RTGS), contrasting FIs backed and nonFIs backed alternative solutions at cross-country settlements, at B2B and at B2C transactions, with a keystone group project which should explore the application of one or multiple settlement systems to gain deep understanding of the technology behind new fintech solutions.
The course content is a good complement to the FinTech in Depth and the Banking IT & FinTech: Bank to the Future courses. The three courses cover different aspects of the digital finance cube, thereby providing a full picture about the recent technological developments in finance.
Self enrollment (Student)
Self enrollment (Student)