Energy and Society (winter 2022)
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Presentation: Pavel Iu.
Assigned reading:
Wilhelm Ostwald, Monism as the Goal of Civilization (1913).
V. I. Vernadsky, "Biosphere in the cosmos," The Biosphere (1998 [1926]), 43-89. [Russian original]Suggested reading:
Crosbie Smith, The Science of Energy (1999), ch. 14.
Wilhelm Ostwald, "The modern theory of energetics," The Monist 17 (1907): 481-515.
Max Weber, "'Energetic' theories of culture," Mid-American Review of Sociology 9 no. 2 (1984 [1909]): 33-58.
Markus Krajewski, Restlosigkeit: Weltprojekte um 1900 (2006), 64-140.
Michael D. Gordin, "The wizards of Ido," Scientific Babel (2015), 131-158.
J. Kodisowa, "Upadek materjalizmu w nauce," Przegląd filozoficzny (1898): 49-55.
Karel Pelant, "Haecklův názor světový," Volná myšlenka (1905): 3-5. (part 2)
Alfred J. Lotka, Elements of Physical Biology (1925).Kendall E. Bailes, Science and Russian Culture in an Age of Revolutions: V. I. Vernadsky and His Scientific School, 1863-1945 (1990).
See Vernadsky's extensive diaries (in Russian).
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