TE Study guide
What does it mean to communicate in the museum? How does museum communication work with varied and diverse publics? What is the goal of communication in the context of the museums’s overall mission? In this course, we will develop concepts for communicating on various different platforms the exhibition project developed in Principles of Curating. We will learn about the principles of communication and marketing, the specifics about communication in the arts world, the challenges of object-based marketing, the different approaches in analog and digital communication, the writing of copy for different platforms, the various designs across different platforms, and the creation of a coherent marketing campaign.

Assessment: Students are expected to develop a communication concept that could be used at a major museum.

Learning outcomes:
1. A critical understanding of museum communication
2. Development of a vocabulary for the creation and assessment of viable museum communication
3. Insight into the complex interplay between different communication formats (internal, press, marketing, print, online, social media, events, cooperations)
4. Creation of a communication concept for an actual exhibit (in accordance with the courses in curation and education)

Skills that will be practiced and developed:
1. Communicate ideas and arguments effectively, in an accurate, succinct, and lucid manner in both written and oral form
2. Develop visual and textual planning and analysis skills in the context of exhibitions
3. Work with others as part of a group in seminar or seminar discussions