Course Editing Guide

Quick Start Guide for instructors

Moodle is Virtual Learning Environment used by CEU (often referred to as the “e-learning site”)You can use it from any computer with internet access. It is the central place to provide all the necessary information to students about a course and to supplement offline work with online activities.

This help material contains the basics to get started.

1. After you receive your username / password from CEU IT, make sure that you log in to your MS account (CEU email) first at and set it up (change password, multi-factor authentication)

2. Then to log in to Moodle:

Go to:

If you are logged in to the MS account, you can single sign on to Moodle:

You CANNOT change your password on the e-learning site directly, but if you change your Microsoft password it will change your e-learning password as well. If you have any problems accessing the site or having password issues, please contact the IT Helpdesk.

image (2).png

You can find your profile at the top right (empty profile icon), then click on "edit profile". You can add some details you would like to share about yourself at the description field and drag and drop a profile picture if you wish (it will be resized, so a 100*100pixel picture is the best).

Right after logging in you may find your enrolled courses in the “My courses” / My home menu at the top navigation panel or at the “My enrolled courses” block on your Dashboard. 

If you cannot find a course, check that you are not hiding it with filtering for a specific year or folder - if you still have problems, please contact your departmental coordinator.

Basic course editing

After you log in and visit your course, always start with turn EDIT mode on (top right corner). Use the appearing icons and menus to add, change, move, edit content.

1. You can simply drag and drop files into the course from your computer (or pictures, selected text from a word file, etc.)
How to upload readings/materials?

2. Add text to the course page with section summaries and labels
How should I add text to the Course?

3. Add activities to the course - like assignments

Other important, basic topics

Move / edit existing contents

Visibility of Course Contents (readings, sections)

How to communicate with students?

Other basic resources

 Course example: Check out how a basic course should look like
Most of the time, "normal" courses are structured by sessions/weeks (so you put materials for the first session into the first topic, and so on).

 Full course editing FAQ