Course Editing Guide

Basic Course Editing

Learning Components and Collapsed Contents in the Editor

You can easily add visual (css) components like this into your course from the Moodle text editor if you click on this icon: iconone.png

There are multiple types available. Most of them just provide a colorful banner, and stick out. These are great to use for highlighting important content.

For example Course welcome, Learning outcomes, or Attention
Using too many of them on one page is not recommended as it can clutter a page visually and also can cause some visual bugs.

Be careful with deleting empty lines before / after them, they may be part of the component and could break them. If it happens, you can just easily undo it with the undo  icon.

Types available
Course Welcome


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to

  • Learning Outcome 1
  • Learning Outcome 2
  • Learning Outcome 3



Do card
Do not do card


Marcus Tullius CiceroDe Finibus Bonorum et Malorum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

How to add one?

Just click on the Components for learning (c4l) icon, select the component and modify the placeholder text with your own.

Plugin demo screenshot (2).gif

Collapsed content - special learning component
With this component you can hide long chunks of text which will appear only when you click on the Show more /less link  - you could see it in action on this page. Click on the link to see how it works.  
How it works:
When you add the component, it will come with a visible and collapsed part.
You need to open the collapsed part with the link, and modify the contents there. you can add contents between the lines, 
it will be collapsed by default.