Students Faq - general technical problems

Can't log in (CEU Users)

1. Please check that you are using your correct (Microsoft) Username/Password
If your email address changed, you need to use only the username part (for it is kovacs_gabor )

Alternatively you can use the quick login function:

If you are logged in to the MS account, you can single sign on to Moodle:

2. Do you have an active (student/legal) status with CEU? (your access will not work after your affiliation in CEU ends) Alumni accounts do not have access to Moodle.

If this is the case, contact your coordinator - if you had a valid basis for it, she can request renewal of your account from the IT helpdesk.

3. If your account is active, try to log in to your MS email account:

If you can log in there, the same password needs to work on Moodle as well. If you cannot, please contact the IT Helpdesk